Dental Implants: Solution For Missing Teeth

TeamCosmetic Dentistry, Dental Health, Dental Implants, Oral Health

Do you have dental issues or injuries that have led to tooth loss? If so, dental implants might be the right option for you! Most dentists and oral surgeons will agree that dental implants are the best option for replacing missing teeth. They offer a sense of comfort knowing they are just as strong and comfortable as real teeth and …

Dental Implant Needs Special Care

TeamDental Health, Dental Implants

Dental implants are permanent replacements for missing teeth. Normally placed by an oral surgeon, dental implants are bio-compatible, they fuse to your jawbone naturally and function exactly like a natural tooth. As sturdy replacements to natural teeth, dental implants can prevent further tooth loss because they provide the structural support that surrounding teeth need to stay in their proper positions. …

How Will You Know If Dental Implants Are For You?

TeamDental Health, Dental Implants

Dental implants helps people who are missing one or more teeth regain the full function of their mouths. Implant dentistry is the most advanced, most effective approach to modern-day tooth replacement. Implants provide realistic-looking, permanent prosthetics to replace your missing teeth. They also help maintain the health of your jawbone. If you have missing teeth, you should talk to an …

Dental Implants After Extraction

TeamDental Health, Dental Implants

Dental implants are, bar none, the best tooth replacement option available. Dental implants are natural looking, allow you to eat your favorite foods, require no special care and can last a lifetime. But they do have one limitation. The dental implant process can take time. How long it takes depends on your oral health. Immediate Placement If you are having …

Does Dental Implants Solution To Missing Teeth?

TeamDental Health, Dental Implants

Implant dentistry is the most progressive, the best way to deal with tooth substitution. Implants give realistic looking, permanent prosthetics to supplant your missing teeth. They look like natural teeth, however, they additionally stay stationary in the mouth and are changeless. Regardless of whether you are just missing one tooth, an implant can restore your smile without requiring a remaking …

How to Prepare for Dental Implants With Sinus Lift?

TeamDental Implants, Oral Health

In order for dental implants to be successful and long-lasting, it is imperative there be quality and enough quantity of jawbone to which the implant will be attached. If bone loss has occurred due to periodontal disease or an injury, a sinus augmentation can be performed to raise the sinus floor and allow for new bone growth. One of the …

Effects of Chronic Disease to Dental Implants

TeamDental Health, Dental Implants

For most patients who are missing one or more teeth, dental implants are often the solution of choice. Dental implants are typically the best available tooth replacement alternative in almost every circumstance. The key to long-term dental implant success is the osseointegration process by which the jawbone forms a physical link or bond with the titanium surface of the implant. …

Declining Dental Implant Treatment Can Give Low Self Esteem

TeamDental Health, Dental Implants, Uncategorized, Wisdom Teeth

Dental Implants: What Happens Without Treatment? Your smile is one of the first things that people notice when they meet you. A beautiful smile is a sign of health and youth. Missing teeth, however, can have a negative effect, impacting your appearance and harming your confidence. Treatment Options For Replacing Missing Teeth Common treatments to replace missing teeth include partials, …

Immediate Load Implants or Traditional Implants?

TeamDental Implants

When implant technology was first introduced, the protocol for placing dental implants was to place the implant and wait for a period of three to six months before making the crown or “loading” the implant. However, immediate load dental implants are one of the newest innovations in tooth replacement and provide patients an option to enter a dental office with …

Link Between Leukoplakia and Some Types of Oral Cancer

TeamOral Health, Oral Surgery

Leukoplakia is a condition in which thick, white patches form on the tongue and the lining of the cheeks of the mouth. Leukoplakia patches cannot be removed through brushing or scraping. It can take weeks for leukoplakia to develop. Many of the cases of leukoplakia do not result in long-term damage to the tissues of the mouth. In certain cases …