Bone grafting is a procedure to rebuild bone in the bone deficient areas of your jaw. Bone grafting is performed to reverse the bone loss caused by periodontal disease, trauma, or ill-fitting removable dentures. It is also used to augment bone to permit implant placement, such as augmenting bone in the sinus area for implant placement, or augmenting bone to …
Advantages of Dental Implants Over Dentures
If you have lost one or more teeth because of decay, gum disease or injury, you not alone. It is a problem that millions of people deal with every day. Unfortunately, the situation can affect the way you speak, eat and smile, and even the way you feel about yourself. For many years, removable dentures or permanent dental bridges were …
Best Time to Schedule Removal of Wisdom Tooth
When considering the removal of wisdom teeth, one cannot help but wonder when would be the best time to schedule the surgery. Not only the date for the surgery needs to be taken into consideration but also the recovery time. Firstly, a comprehensive dental examination should be performed to determine if a referral to an oral surgeon for further evaluation …
You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Wisdom Teeth
It’s best to have wisdom teeth removed in early adulthood, if necessary. For those who wait until an older age, the risks and complications associated with wisdom tooth removal are more likely to increase. Complications of Non Removed Wisdom Teeth First, we must explain the complications that can result if wisdom teeth are not removed. The problems include: ● Impacted …
Which Teeth Can Be Replaced With Dental Implants?
Which Teeth Can Be Replaced By Dental Implants? Patients with missing teeth no longer need to rely on bridges and dentures to replace their teeth. It is difficult to enjoy life with an incomplete smile and many patients fear social situations and smiling around others because missing teeth affects their self-esteem. Any missing tooth can now be replaced seamlessly thanks …
Know More About Abscessed Wisdom Tooth
If you are experiencing continuous throbbing or severe pain from any tooth, that is a sign of an abscess. Wisdom teeth are particularly susceptible to abscesses because of their location. It is very difficult to keep the rearmost portion of the jaw clear of bacteria, especially when the wisdom teeth are partially erupted. Patients faced with an infection of one …
When To Get Dental Implants
Patients with missing teeth who also want or need to bring their smiles into the correct alignment may need to get both braces and dental implants. In such cases, the patient’s specific needs will determine the order in which those treatments are provided. Dental Implants After Braces Placing implants after orthodontic work is completed is the most common method of …
Provide Stable Functionality for Missing Teeth
If you are missing one or more teeth, you may already be experiencing adverse effects of missing teeth. Traditional tooth replacement options can help you restore the look of your teeth, but they are not as helpful in fixing some of the hidden concerns associated with tooth loss like gum tissue and bone density loss, and changing facial shape. Dental …
Restore Your Smile with Implant Supported Dentures
When a person is missing many teeth, it can have a major impact on his or her overall dental health and wellness. Tooth loss has an effect on the appearance of the smile, the function of the teeth, and even the structure of the jaw bone. While many dental restorations can address some of these areas of concern, only dental …
The Advantages of Dental Implants
Advantages of Dental Implants Over Dentures If you have lost one or more teeth because of decay, gum disease or injury, you not alone. It is a problem that millions of people deal with every day. Unfortunately, the situation can affect the way you speak, eat and smile, and even the way you feel about yourself. For many years, removable …