How Long Does Novocaine Last?


Novocaine is a marvel of modern dentistry. It’s hard to imagine undergoing a dental procedure without it. But afterward, the numbness seems to take forever to wear off. A numb lip or face can make it hard to go back to work or school. And good luck if you want to take a swig of your favorite iced beverage! Chances …

New Year, New Health Habits


Creating new dental health habits for the new year is a great goal that can contribute to your overall well-being. Here are some steps you can take to establish and maintain good dental habits: Establish a Routine: Incorporate dental care into your daily routine. Brush your teeth in the morning and before bed, and floss at least once a day. …

Why do we need to bone graft after a tooth is extracted?


When a tooth is extracted, the surrounding bone is lost making it tough to replace the tooth with a dental implant. This is a natural response called “bone resorption”. This is where bone grafting comes in. We add bone grafting materials to the weakened area, creating a sturdy foundation for the dental implant. For the dental implant to be successful, …

Decisions, Decisions: Dentures or Dental Implants


You are ready to get your smile back, but which treatment is right for you? For many adults looking to replace missing teeth, the choice typically comes down to dentures versus dental implants — both of which have pro’s and con’s. 1. How healthy is my mouth? Your oral health is the primary factor that determines which treatments are even …

What To Expect From A Tooth Extraction Procedure


Before we extract the tooth, we will numb the area so you will be comfortable. Your mouth will be numb for a few hours after the extractions, so be careful not to bite your cheek, lip, or tongue. The extraction itself should not take more than 5-10 minutes. After the extraction, you may have some bleeding. We will pack the …

The Real Cost of Dental Implant Therapy


Dental implants have made a huge impact on many of our patients lives in our practice. An implant remains the closest substitute to a natural tooth and offers a very high success rate for the surgical and restorative processes. Every patient is different and each patient may have additional issues that may affect the cost. From start to finish, getting …

Don’t Let a Toothache Ruin Your Day


Toothache Causes: Tooth decay is the most common cause of toothaches, but it’s not the only one. Others include gum disease, pulp inflammation, and dental abscess. An injury to the face can also result in a toothache even if the tooth and surrounding gum tissue were perfectly healthy beforehand! Teeth impacted in the jaw can be painful too. There’s also …

Frequently Asked Questions About Wisdom Teeth Removal


1. Why Do I Need my Wisdom Teeth Removed? Wisdom teeth are the third and last molars to appear. Some people never develop wisdom teeth at all! For those that have wisdom teeth, they may erupt normally or be impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth normally do not have enough room to grow in normally and may be angled towards neighboring teeth …

What To Expect During Wisdom Tooth Removal


Wisdom tooth removal is one of the most common dental procedures of today! If you are getting your wisdom teeth removed soon, here are some things to expect! Before Your Procedure Before your procedure, you will meet Dr. Erakat to go over what to expect for your personal procedure. He will go over any medications you are taking and answer …