What To Expect from an Appointment Using Dental Cone Beam Computed Tomography


X-ray technology has come a long way. We can now view your jaw bone in 3 dimensions with our Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). You do not need any preparation before coming in. The procedure is painless and non-invasive. The CT will rotate 360 around your head capturing the images required by our doctor(s). Depending on the technology, you will be sitting or standing in the dental chair

during the scan. 

There are numerous benefits to dental cone beam computed tomography. For starters, the focused x-ray beam reduces scatter radiation resulting in a better quality image. The scan provides images at many views and angles giving the doctor more information and accuracy. The CT scan also allows bone and soft tissue to be examined as well as a 3D look at your jaw.  Dr. Mohammed Erakat utilizes the latest and greatest technology to give our patients the top quality care they deserve. We mainly use our CBCT for dental implants, extracting teeth, impacted wisdom teeth and wisdom teeth removal cases.Call Prestige Oral Surgery today @ 732-297-7000 to learn more about cone beam computed tomography!