Why Is a Tooth Extraction Necessary?

TeamOral Surgery

The main goal of dentistry is to preserve your natural teeth and keep them healthy for as long as possible. There are times, however, when it is in your best interest to have a tooth extracted. This could be the case for a number of reasons.

Non-Restorable Tooth
If the tooth is decayed and damaged to the pulp, and a root canal cannot fix the problem, the tooth may need to be extracted in order to prevent infection from spreading to other teeth. Any time a tooth is beyond repair, whether it is from decay, fracture, gum disease, bone loss, or something else, extraction may be necessary.

Inadequate Space
An over-crowded mouth may warrant tooth extraction. This is particularly true if a mouth is being prepared for orthodontics. If your teeth are too big for the mouth, or there is not enough room in the mouth for teeth to break through the gums, a dentist may extract teeth.

Risk Of Infection
There are times when a tooth is extracted because of the risk of infection. For example, wisdom teeth are very hard to clean around, especially if they are impacted. They are more likely to get cavities, and have root and gum problems in adjacent teeth.

Periodontal Disease
When the tissue and bone surrounding and supporting the teeth get infected, teeth may become loose. At this stage of periodontal disease, the infected teeth can be removed and replaced with implants. Gum disease is a common problem that leads to tooth extraction.

Non-Functional Tooth
When a tooth is misaligned, does not come in completely, rubs against the tongue or cheek, causing pain, it may need to be removed. Teeth that are non-functional often cause both pain and risk for infection. An impacted wisdom tooth is at greater risk for the development of cysts and tumors around it, resulting in preventative removal of teeth.

Schedule A Consultation
To find out more about tooth extraction and your treatment options, call Prestige Oral Surgery today at 732-297-7000.